Sunday, August 19, 2007

Health Update

Thanks for everyone's prayers. Eliana is still in the hospital but we belive that she is past the worst of it. Friday night was touch and go, but last night noticed improvement. She still is very lethargic and the occasional fever. Margaret is spending the day with her while I am pulling the night shift. We have a translator to help us and have hired a nanny and an extra hotel room for Olivia. In addition Olivia has broncitis and had to get an IV at the hospital. She seems relatively well though and is staying with us at the hotel.

We are hopeful that we might be able to fly to Beijing on Tuesday (according to our other group members already in Beijing the hospital there is much nicer and English speaking Doctors are available) this will potentially allow us to still make our flight on Thursday back to Canada. All of this will depend on how things go with Eliana over the next 24 hours.

We know that the Lord is in control and our confidence is in Him.


Anonymous said...

That is indeed good news! We continue to pray for you all and trust we'll see you all soon.


Graham & Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

We've been praying fervently for you all these last few days and are praying and believing you are going to be on that flight home with the rest of the group.

We are standing with you.

M and M

Anonymous said...

Hi Margaret and Andrew ( and Ollie and Ellie).

For some reason, I didn't think you'd be updating the blog while in China. So now that I've figured that out, I've spent a great time looking at the pics of the girls. They're just darling!

Am eagerly awaiting good news on Eliana and trust that both will be healthy for the big trip home. Thinking about you and praying for the girls,

