Here is a shot of some of the babys in the hotel lobby, prior to departing for the airport.

The flight back home went incredibly well and decently fast for 13 hours. The girls fell asleep soon after departure and they slept at least 80% of the time. No screaming babies for us. We were fortunate enough to have a bulkhead row with space for a bassinett so our arms were relieved of one of the babies for most of the flight.

Going forward for the next short while we have some adjusting to do with our girls in their new home. We would ask that anyone wishing to visit our expanded family to please call ahead to find an appropriate time and day.
We do look forward to having you meet our daughters of destiny before too long!
Welcome home, Andrew, Margaret, Olivia and Eliana!! The joy of being HOME! We know it. So happy that you are back safe and sound.
Praying for a blessed time of adjustment, bonding and a return to full health. May the Lord bless you.
Thanks for the blog, we love it.
with all our love
Jeanette and Andy
Brad, Karen, and Kaia!
Welcome home Lucas family!!! We are so thrilled that you made it home safely and on schedule! Our prayers are with you as you adjust to your new schedule....I can't imagine how it will change!!
We look forward to meeting your girls in a couple of weeks - until then....
Andrea, Steve & Abby (and soon to be Liam too!)
Welcome home! Really start to appreciate home when you've living in another country and out of a suitcase. Can't wait to see you and meet the girls, of course.
Until then, I'll keep up with you by email and don't forget, just send me a note if you need an errand run or something picked up from the grocery store.
Awesome!!! We give many thanks that you are all home safe and sound. There is nothing quite like introducing your little ones to the people you love, is there? May your days begin to feel "normal" again soon and at the same time extraordinary as you find many new joys with your precious daughters. We have loved following this amazing journey with you and thank you for not keeping us in suspense :0) We are so glad to know already that you are home.
Again congratulations!!
Love Wim and Jenn
Welcome Home!!
Margaret and Andrew,
I knew from the facebook group that you were adopting.
Helena sent me your blog link this week.
We have been praying (and crying) for you this week.
I am so glad you and the girls are home!!
Adopting is an amazing journey!!
God creates amazing journeys, and it is a wild ride!
Our son Corban came home from Ethiopia last year at 18 months.
God's blessings from
your cousin
Marjorie and Aaron Reinard
Well done you two, what an adventure with a wonderful ending. The girls look adorable. Our love and best wishes to you all. Nesta
Welcome home to all of you! We were so glad to read that you are home and we join you in praising God for working out all of the details to make that possible! We will continue to pray for your family - for good health and good sleeps for all 4 of you (preferably all night long!)
Looking forward to meeting your girls and bringing you dinner (in a few weeks.)
Barry, Ann, Alexa & Lucas
Welcome home! God is so...good
and so amazing. Enjoy many hours and days of nesting and just getting to know each other. This is a season that you only 'walk through' once with Olivia and Eliana. When someone offers to do
a kind deed, never refuse!!!!!!
That's God at work and you deserve this. Love and Joy, The E's
WELCOME HOME!! I am so impressed with the strength you've shown through your journey and share in your joy now that you're finally home. I look forward to meeting my new second cousins once you've had lots of opportunity to settle in and rest and recover. Lots of love, Natasha
Congradulations on arriving home safe and sound. I am sure that the God has heard the many prayers, and He allowed things to go smoothly for your safe return. Now the real fun begins :-)
Quentin, Sharon, and Ru Lageer.
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